Who are we?

What do we do?

We organize encounter projects with youth from Eastern and Central-Eastern Europe.

We manage not only youth exchanges but also trainings, language courses and other international projects that take place either in Germany or in one of our partner countries. We’ve been cooperating with the youth groups and organizations from Poland, the Czech Republic and also Slovakia, Ukraine and Russia for a couple of years. All the people aged over 16 and less than 30 years can apply for participation. The children’s projects are open to participants over the age of 12.

Our projects focus on mutual intercultural exchange of ideas about our society, culture, and politics of the participating countries. Language animation gives us brief insights into the different languages. We never forget about sightseeing, sports or music during all our events.

We aim to lower prejudices and overcome the boundaries between East and West through the personal contact and our experience being shared. Join us and build Europe with us!

Teilnehmer der D-PL-CZ-SLK Jugendbegegnung FestiWall 2012 in Marienthal

Who are we?

We are an umbrella organization of 4 Catholic Youth Associations (Adalbertusjugend, Junge Aktion der Ackermann-Gemeinde, Gemeinschaft Junges Ermland, Jungen Grafschaft) and also a non-governmental organization working in the field of non-formal international youth education focused on Central and Eastern Europe.

Our projects are being planned, organized, and carried broadly by our volunteers. They are supported by the full-time staff and a European volunteer in the office. Every year we elect a voluntary federal board. Legal entity is recognized as a non-profit organization Aktion West-Ost e.V.

Our Christian faith and the origins of our association are truly important for our commitment motives. The association was founded in 1953 by young people forced to leave their original regions of living (which nowadays belong to Poland and the Czech Republic). Understanding and reconciliation has already been important for them at that time.

Teilnehmer der D-PL Jugendbegegnung vor Ostern 2015 der GJE in Seesen/Harz

How can I become a part of it?

You are welcome either as a participant or as a teamer!

You can discover more information about Aktion West-Ost, our current projects and how you can sign up here on our homepage. Besides that, we always have all the current updates and information on our Facebook page. Have a look and join us!

In addition, our member youth associations mentioned above offer their own events. On the New Year’s Eve, Easter and Pentecost or at shorter weekend meetings, they are always happy to meet new people. Further information is also available on our homepage.

Aktion West-Ost is a Federation of German Catholic Youth (advising) member.

You can also download our flyer here. (only in German)

In a nutshell: an overview of our organizational structure